Thursday, December 31, 2009

The hippie bible

Not much to write right now, because before this movement can launch first all the believers and dreamers of the world must become acquainted with how the hippie movement actually started, learn how this movement was not just a blip on the radar of history, not just a reaction to a specific time and place but a larger thing, something that transcends time and space, the start of something beautiful, a new religion, a new philosophy, a new way to look at life, to embrace love, to embrace individuality. but all of these words I just typed are just words, they don't mean anything unless the reader has the same base of knowledge from which to proceed from, so as the first task in this hippie revival, I, as the spokesman, or what have you, for the continuation of this way of thought in our new era, command that each of you interested shall go out and read the book The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe. After doing so everything will be clearer.